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ASYNCHRONOUS LEARNINGAsynchronous learning describes educational activities, discussions, and assignments that engage students in learning at their own pace, on their own time.Today’s workforce is expected to be highly educated and to continually improve skills and acquire new ones by engaging in lifelong learning. Asynchronous learning as a part of E-learning, which is learning and teaching online through network technologies, is one of the most powerful tools for the growing need, particularly in higher education.With the advent of Covid19, e-learning seems to be a new normal to impart education for acquiring new skills and exploring new career options. E-learning plays a vital role in academic activities for students. In this regard and as a part of the academic excellence, the Indian Academy Degree College – Autonomous (IADC-A) has created Asynchronous learning that includes short videos and animated videos on important topics identified in various subjects across programmes it offers, which provide a basic idea to students who can learn at their own pace. The institute realises the fact that not every student learns the same amount of content at the same pace as others. Flexibility is one of the key benefits of asynchronous learning. A learner enjoys freedom and at the same time has better control over his learning.About:The Indian Academy Degree College – Autonomous started with a modest beginning in the year 1994. Currently, it is poised to have student strength of more than 3000-an astounding growth by all standards. The student profile spans across multi-cultural and diverse backgrounds, with people from over 37 countries and from across multiple states of India.University Grants Commission (UGC) RecognitionIndian Academy Degree College – Autonomous has one of the rare distinctions of being recognised as a college with ‘2(f)’ and ’12(B)’ status, by the University Grants Commission, Government of India. This special status enables the college to receive central assistance and grants under teacher and student related schemes. Many a faculty member has succeeded in obtaining grants for research and developmental activities.